March Sonnet

March Sonnet

March Sonnet

Chelsea Fraser

A quarter journey bourne around the Sun,
The days prolonged, prolonging—equinox
Returns spring to the earth to reign again.
Persephone bursts from winter’s lingering frost
To rise in blossoms fragrant, grasses dressed
For dancing, winds alive with verdant song—
This month (of all months) sees the world most blessed
With hope fulfilled, released from Hades’ throng
Again. Always escaping from his hold,
Always defeating death with its own game:
Always from buried seeds returning life,
Always renewing hope new-sprung again.
          We circle on a planet round a Sun
          Remembering each time that Life has won.

Chelsea Fraser
Poet & Musician 

Chelsea Fraser is a wife, mother, poet, musician, and arts administrator with a BA in English Literature and an MA in Organizational Communication. She has been published in Ekstasis Magazine, The Dewdrop, Vessels of Light Journal, Persephone Literary Magazine, and The Way Back to Ourselves Literary Journal. Her debut poetry collection, The Mother Tree, releases April 2025. 

Photography by Pascal Debrunner