Weβre reimagining the way Christians create culture.
A special time calls for special attention. As Ekstasis carves out a corner in the world of arts and letters, we publish personal essays woven with literary history & theology, poetry of all kinds, and profiles of artists & musicians.
Ekstasis features work that slants toward the triumphant and glorious aspects of life in Christ, framed through life, the arts and literature.
Connect with us if you would like to submit your work. We want to hear from readers, writers, artists, and thinkers.
Pitch or submit an essay
Submit poetry
Writer Guidelines
Submissions are open year-round. Certain pieces are published as digital features, others are published in the annual print edition
We publish essays that combine personal narrative
with literary, theological, and artistic history [1500-3000 words]We publish poetry that speaks to the wide breadth of
the Christ-infused core of everyday experience [All forms welcome]We only publish original material that fits with the tone of Ekstasis
Simultaneous submissions are accepted
Send your work as a .doc attachment or just in the body of the email