the Imagination
Within the pages of Ekstasis, we exhibit arts and letters that reflect the depths of Christian life.
In a clamorous and contentious age, we view Ekstasis as a kind of digital cathedral, a sanctuary from the noise, a place that captures our attention through loving art and luminous words.
Ekstasis publishes work that slants toward the triumphant and glorious aspects of life in Christ, framed through the arts and literature.
ἔκστασις noun (mysticism)
The state of being beside oneself
or rapt out of oneself in awe or worship.
Senior Editor
Conor Sweetman
Editorial Project Manager
Carolyn Morris-Collier
Community Coordinator
Constance Doyle Bleeker
Contributing Editor
Paul J. Pastor
Editorial Alumni
D.S. Martin
Caroline Greb
Alexis Ragan
Kate Chupp
Yi Ning Chiu
Claire Nelson
Isaac Akanmu
Rachel Seo
Mike Bonikowsky
Peter Adourian