


Heather Kaufmann

Mark 4:35-41

After the miracle you ask
why I’m still afraid clutching
the rim of the no-longer-
rocking boat shockwaves
still rolling in my belly though
the lake’s gone smooth
as slate –

Do I still have no faith you ask
even now when I could test the air
above my head and meet
no resistance when I’ve seen you
lift your own weathered hand gathering
the wind into your fist until
all is still –

I turn aside search the horizon
for another storm rising
in the opaline sky and still
you ask will I rest here a while –
lay my head against
the same pillow where
a moment ago you slept?

Heather Kaufmann
Poet & Curate

Heather Kaufmann is a New England native, poet, and Anglican curate. Her recent work has been published in The Windhover, St. Katherine Review, CRUX, and Pensive, among others.

Painting by Marija Leilynn