Ekstasis MagazineComment

Love Poem

Ekstasis MagazineComment
Love Poem

Love Poem

John Hopkins

Bring me the sunset in a cup
Emily Dickinson

Bring me the sunset in a cup,
and if not the sunset, the sunrise,
and if not the sunrise,
then the promise of your eyes

that tell me “all shall be well,
all shall be so very well, my darling.”
Bring me the moon glow of your smile
that turns all my paths
a midnight blue of winter snow.

Bring me the falling leaf of your hand
that suddenly slips into mine
as we stand shoulder to shoulder,
you looking for the sun to come,

I looking west, the sun almost done.
Oh my dear, bring your lips to my ear,
bring me the smell of your hair,
the memory of our first loving dare;

bring me, bring me,
bring me to that place beyond the sun,
past the moon, where there are more stars
than sand, that land on the tip of our tongue,
bring me the song of your voice sung.

John Hopkins
Poet & Teacher

John’s poetry has been published in Saint Anthony Messenger, Commonweal, The Amethyst Review, The Catholic Poetry Room, Sr. Melannie Svoboda’s blog “Sunflower Seeds,” and in Celtic Quest, by Father Timothy Joyce. He is currently teaching theology at Fontbonne Academy in Milton, Ma. He has written two books of poetry: Celtic Nan and Make My Heart a Pomegranate.

Photography by Benjamin Suter