Ars Poetica, Ars Sacra

Ars Poetica, Ars Sacra
Sarah Law
Because it is the only gift I have
and even that is intermittent, slow,
diverted, by my own distractions
tugging like shadowy fish at a bait.
Because, after all this, I am still hankering
for silence – for the white space of the page
and how it is both agony and praise, described
by the filigree words that surround it –
Take it. The one body I can raise –
your presence, concentrated as a pulse,
and I the poorest of conduits, tenderly
wrapped in my humeral veil.
Sarah Law
Poet & Tutor
Sarah lives in Norwich, UK, and is a tutor for the Open University and elsewhere. She has published six poetry collections, including Therese: Poems (Paraclete Press, 2020). Her novel, Sketches from a Sunlit Heaven (Wipf and Stock, 2022) was awarded a 2023 Illumination Book Awards silver medal. She edits the online journal Amethyst Review, for new writing engaging with the sacred.
Photography by Kari Kittlaus