Personal Magnificat

Personal Magnificat
Mark Bennion
What pillar of fire, what deliverance—
from long occupation, from oppression—
without notice, without farthing or end!
For his messenger, robed in elegance,
lifts the quiet and those without a cause,
grants premise and pardon, all attendant
promises marked in lamb skin, commandment,
oil, the song and praise of satisfied laws.
He reveals arm, column, voice, amnesty,
dispels contention, heals palsy and blains,
tempers the rash, extols the simple.
O, Abider in justice and mercy,
burn down our idols, scour our earthy stains,
and bind us like hewn stones in the temple.
Mark Bennion
Poet & Teacher
Mark’s work has appeared in Anglican Theological Review, The Cresset, Dappled Things and other journals. Recently Resource Publications published his collection Beneath the Falls: poems
Photography by Denis Vdovin