Song of Cain

Song of Cain

Song of Cain

E.R. Skulmoski

Do not commemorate my faith where
your mutilated love goes to die, swept

under my desk, bathed by the dust and
ashes of your wraith. Allow my bones

to decompose, the ones God permanently
broke. Let them follow the wind that blows

to the field where the wild grass grows.
Do not waste your time to evoke the dead

memories spent in your home so long ago,
where we used to joke when we were still

equally yoked. Please, leave me alone now
to roam, out of God’s presence I will be.

Please, do not comb the Holy Ground for me,
let the thorn bush burn the blemish that is me.

E.R. Skulmoski

Emily is a poet who lives in the Interior of British Columbia with her husband and four children. She homeschools her children and writes poetry and short stories in her spare time. You can follow her on Instagram and read more of her work at

Photography by Taryn Kaahanui