Of a novice in religion

Of a novice in religion

Of a novice in religion

Alex Taylor

He was a thief of small espresso cups
Before he climbed God’s holy mountain. Or
Would it be better said, before the attempt?
For just begun is his Carmel: just named
By his new father. This order was but
His second choice: the first was to found his
Own, following that first thief who stole heaven.
Upon further thought, however, he knew
What was in a name. Rose is not rosy
Without its word, which he received. Language
Does matter in our mouths, on tongues that taste
The word. He would not be a dismal friar, so
Instead he turned to his mother’s house, asked
For milk and honey, sapiences sweet,
Of nothings not short, gifts beneath his feet.

Alex Taylor
Poet & Fellow

Alex is the Cowan Fellow for Criticism at the University of Dallas. He has been published in various magazines, including Front Porch Republic, Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry, Dappled Thing, Law & Liberty, The European Conservative and The American Conservative.

Photography by Mathieu Perrier