Bethany by the Sea

Bethany by the Sea

Bethany by the Sea

Phil Canipe

What’s it like to hold a heart?
To be responsible
To feel the heavy
To seek healing—that terrible word

Ketosis came for the family
Uncle Tom took a bullet in Austin
Marco smashed his teeth in Leadville
Ducati and face now one

Mama filed papers on credit
Then again to dissolve the credit
When brother asked why
he got a book to the jaw

They say the Christ will cleanse
That he wept for Lazarus
Does he now?
Does time know?

When worms discover my grave
they will not find your heart
There will have been a prayer
A box will have been lowered
But they will have nothing to chew

Phil Canipe

Phil lives in Charleston, SC where he runs a small family business. His work can be found in The Downtime Review, A Thin Slice of Anxiety, and Little Old Lady Comedy. Follow Phil: @WatchPhilPost

Photography by Patrick Langwallner