Older Brother

Older Brother
Marie Trotter
After Henri Nouwen’s “Return of the Prodigal Son”,
After Rembrandt’s “Return of the Prodigal Son”.
my deep, inarticulable fear:
should the spotlight of grace
escape its precise bounds,
eschew limits,
and melt toward my reach -
I shall be burned.
I do not know the curving hand
that has unbent its aged joints
to say welcome –
I do not know the cave of
my father’s shoulder,
the darkness that warms,
that wipes tears from
every eye.
I can only kiss the feet
of the God of Rules –
can only know love
within stricture –
will only accept acceptance
by exclusion.
my deep, inarticulable fear:
should the spotlight of grace
attempt to alight on me –
I shall be consumed.
Marie Trotter
Poet & Playwright
Marie's writing has been published in Broadview, Plough, Intermission, The WholeNote, and The Lamp Literary Journal. She is a PhD student specializing in Shakespeare at McGill University.
Photography by Francisco Andreotti