My Acolyte

My Acolyte
Aaron Belz
The problem is my acolyte
can barely swing his thurible
I think he’s taking Benadryl
too much—it’s rather terrible
and has me storming sulkily
around the church, but heroin
might also leave him nauseous
and not exactly functional
so yes let’s say I’m hiring
a kid to fill this opening
a boy to collect offering
here at the Russian Orthodox
cathedral of East Avignon
someone to help me simulcast
on YouTube and by telephone
for congregants with hearing loss
and for the ones whose limblessness
keeps them less than ambulant
and those who’ve fallen comatose
who will not be awakening
at all I need an altarboy
to run down to the pharmacy
and get for me my Benzedrine
and pick me up my Clobazam
or I will fall to shudder-fits
due to the central nervousness
that led me to the pastorate
way back in 1970
when I with my new Polaroid
took pictures of the thoroughfare
that runs from here to Jonquerettes
cuts southward down to Bouches-du-Rhône
then doubles back to Avignon
where I am at my typewriter
bemoaning lack of assistance
due to a woozy acolyte
I wonder what tomorrow holds
perhaps the morning bright will shine
and I my words will flipty-flop
in shadows of this monolith
that someone many centuries
ago built for the Trinity
that we may worship compoundness
both cyclical and circular
rest us among the sycamores
that planted by Napoleon
now symbolize dear Avignon
they tower over Avignon
Aaron Belz
God-Fearing Roustabout
Aaron holds an MFA in Creative Writing from NYU and a Ph.D. in American Literature from Saint Louis U. He has published four full-length collections of poetry, most recently Soft Launch (Persea, 2019). He is online at and on Twitter at @belzpoems
Photography by Alex Quezada