Icarus Flashback

Icarus Flashback
Cameron Brooks
Too hot to sleep, too dark
to think
straight, I sat up in bed,
tore my t-shirt
from my damp back
and tossed it across the room
when it became a crackling
comet of sparks, arcing
through the darkness
for one radiant instant
(the way He might have
remembered things)
before crashing
to the carpet, mute.
And I thought, for all
the brilliant ways
to squander oneβs odds,
it might yet be possible
not to.
Cameron Brooks
Cameron is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and an M.F.A. candidate at Seattle Pacific University. His recent poems have appeared in Poetry East, North Dakota Quarterly, Ad Fontes Journal, St. Katherine Review, Modern Reformation, and elsewhere.
Photography by Allec Gomes
Ekstasis Magazine