Like a Child

Like a Child
Jordan Sleed
Like a child, I cannot believe
The only critique I must receive:
“You are tired.”
How could I be tired if I’m so restless
And there’s so much left to do?
If I sleep, who will protect this
World I’m conquering for you?
So, I kick and scream
Because all I’ve yet to do in the light
Sticks like an invisible thorn in my side
As if you were in grave need
Of me to impress you with might:
What I might have done
And still should do
If I were good enough to handle all truth
And even if this story were true —
that it’s righteousness I desire to see,
It’d all fall apart right here —
where I started shouting at you.
Yes, like a child, I cannot believe
The only critique I must receive:
I am tired.
Jordan Sleed
Poet & Podcaster
Photography by Thom Milkovic