Adam the Third

Adam the Third
Noah J. Craig
If my present I forsook
And my past I could reclaim,
Innocence exchanged for shame,
Could I know of the dear brook
Its sweet waters all the same?
Or would I take for granted
The sparkle inside the jewel?
It follows that as a rule,
Only one who has panted
Knows the extent cold is cool.
Hypotheticals count for
Nothing until they harden.
Bless the day of my pardon,
When I walk round glassy shore
And into urban garden.
Noah J. Craig
Noah has been published in Agape Review, Calla Press, The Penwood Review, and the Hymns of the People anthology, and has more forthcoming in The Clayjar Review, Foreshadow Magazine, and Solum Literary Press. You can read more of his work at
Photography by Dynamic Wang
Ekstasis Magazine