Costa Eius Lateris

Costa Eius Lateris

Costa Eius Lateris

Tonka Dobreva

This rib isn't false,
and she doesn't float.
She articulates, directly, with his sternum,
instructing it on how to shield his heart
from cajoling provocations.
This rib's head is his ethereal wisdom
and veritable bonanza, garlanded
with a glorious crown, adorned
with crimson rubies and cobalt lapis lazuli.
This rib proffers enigmatic comprehension,
standing at the gate of imperceptible mystery streams,
cascading down from the throne of the Creator.
This rib's bone marrow is steeped, deep,
in Jacob's well, making his heart swell
with rapacious yearning, impelling it
to turn its ear to hear. She hides nothing.
Her breath is a paroxysm of subliminal delight,
alights on him like a pietistic dove, pneumatic,
liberating, bright.
This rib is delicate and heavy, the weight
of a flocculent supercluster of galaxies.
It takes vigilant strength to bear her.
This rib can stoically endure, and turns sorrows
into axillary meristems, brand new shoots
from the tree of life.
Wondrous is she, rib from his side.

Tonka Dobreva
Writer & Christian Life Coach

This is Tonka's debut poetry publication. She is currently working on her second chapbook, Undoing. Tonka draws inspiration for her creative writing from her faith and work as a Christian life coach. She is passionate about helping women make God the main character of their life story.

Photography by Ivan Bandura