The Moth Shooer

The Moth Shooer
T.J. Masluk
“In a gentle way,
you can shake the world.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
The gentle shooer,
captain of the flight,
leads the moth
from light to light,
out the door
into the night.
No impulsive swat,
thoughtfulness instead,
everyone calm –
nothing dead.
T.J. Masluk
Poet & Writer
T. J. has master’s degrees from Columbia University, a PhD from Sofia University, and studied creative nonfiction at the University of Oxford. His latest poems appear in The Columbia Review, Wisconsin Review, Schuylkill Valley Journal, Writer’s Block Magazine (Netherlands), New Contrast (South Africa), The Hong Kong Review (China), The Seventh Quarry (Wales), in the anthology Without a Doubt (NYQ Books), and elsewhere. He’s from Northampton, Pennsylvania, a blue-collar town once the cement capital of the world.
Photography by Kellen Riggin