
Kaitlyn Hogeterp
The desert soul is cracked, riven; caverns
gape, crumble, rift.
There are no tears, no water. No life
lingers beneath this clay, no springs
underflow rivers below this drought.
Sky darkens, rumbles, shakes. God’s heart
spills over, pours water-life
upon this desert soul, fills this barren soil,
this empty cup.
Thirsty spirit drinks; gulping, downing
water-life. Death drowns
in drenching hope.
The clouds do not fade
when the soul is full;
He still pours, that this heart might
Kaitlyn Hogeterp
Kaitlyn is a country girl living in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia. In addition to writing poetry, she loves music and taking long walks outdoors in the beauty of God's creation
Photography by Kubra Arslaner
Ekstasis Magazine