Ocean of Sweetness
Ocean of Sweetness
Adesina Ajala
To tell of the ways this hope throb the inward parts
of my heart, this ocean of sweetness unfurling in my soul
gleaming my spirit bright is like the working of this
poem—bland paper, hesitant pen & words yielding themselves,
widening into a gyre of extraordinariness inside me. Bless this
glimmer of heaven simmering down before me like a groom unveiling
his bride’s face. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught
up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
Call it transcendence or a triumphant entry or a poet rapturing, levitating
into the aura of a morning muse. My body—not this body, like this body—
shall Patmos into the city of gold, glistening like the twinkles of stars. My
hope to tango feet, bare & firm & sway them on the walkway of running gold
looms clear in this poem. & everything within me shall sparkle like a galaxy
of stardust. Flip hands in the church of 24 elders ministering the praise of Jesus,
the head that bled by the halo of thorns. To tell of this hope, this ocean of sweetness
& hosanna brimming joy, this poem undo my tongue like the clashing of happy birds.
Adesina Ajala
Writer & Physician
Adesina has been published in Writers Space Africa, EBOquills, Libretto, Featiler Rays, Brave Voices Poetry Journal and elsewhere. He was shortlisted for the 2018 League Of Wordsmiths contest in the flash fiction/short story category, and was the co-winner of the first place of 2018 TSWF Writers Prize.
Photography by Alex Azabache