
Susan Francino
They have it wrong
who say
Icarus fell from pride;
it was rather that
the sun was warm,
and beautiful, and near.
More like Narcissus
is this tale,
and so much less,
for he who flies
to love of other
soars in the highest loves.
And who of us,
having come very near
to something so far,
so light and perfect,
can say,
“We are not loathe to come down”?
Down Tabor; down, Icarus;
rather, “It is good
for us to be here,”
when there, and when not,
endeavor not
to die of sadness.
Susan Francino
Poet & MFA
Susan’s poetry has recently been published or is forthcoming in The American Journal of Poetry and St. Katherine Review. She also holds a BA in Latin from Hillsdale College and is currently earning an MA in Early Christian Studies from Notre Dame.
Photography by Aron Visuals
Ekstasis Magazine