How Fragile the Dark

How Fragile the Dark

How Fragile the Dark

Cody Adams

Our plane found blue 
Above December’s gray. 
Hardnose caught wind of truths that
Jet across time’s chasm to
Pierce phantasmic veil, and loiter
At eternity’s firmament, for a brief moment


Until gravity yanked us back down into wintery graves.

Celestial light clung to our lips, though,
So we prayed, soft like a lark, 
“Oh, how fragile the dark.”

Cody Adams
Poet & Teacher

Cody is a high school English Teacher in Rochester, NY. His poetry has appeared in Canto Magazine, Three Line Poetry, 50 Haikus, among others. He received the 2016 Clarence Amann award for his short story Unstuck. He also contributes blog & podcast content to Forefront Festival where he serves as a Board Member.

Photography by Juan Gomez