Ekstasis MagazineComment

The Least Sigh of Desire

Ekstasis MagazineComment
The Least Sigh of Desire

The Least Sigh of Desire

Tyler Rogness

If I speak
I may not hear the loons, and sighs
may turn to ash. Better take
Elijah’s part and leave the fire unlit—drenched
even, tear and sweat-sodden—and let
the mystery flame it, give the voice and thew
in Isaac’s place. Now

I can hear the life and spirit of man,
the sweet melancholy of the diving bird.

Tyler Rogness
Poet & Essayist

Tyler’s work has appeared in Ekstasis Magazine, The Rabbit Room, Sehnsucht, The Clayjar Review, The Amethyst Review, and other publications. More of his explorations in faith, life, and language can be found at awakingdragons.com.

Photography by Studio Pizza