A Psalm for Peace

A Psalm for Peace
Thomas McKendry
I have not found it underneath the stars,
Nor in the silver silence of the wild
Wood’s autumn reverie. I seek it in
The gothic arches of a distant faith’s
Devoted labour, listen for it in
The gentle antiphons of ancient tongues
So softly chanted. Friends possess it not,
But similarly seek what even loved
Ones cannot give in full; where then is peace?
Dear Lord, this restless wretched heart shall be
Ne’er restful, till at last it rests in Thee.
Thomas McKendry
Poet & Musician
Thomas is a poet and musician living in Sydney, Australia. He currently works as a parish music director and teacher of Gregorian Chant. He publishes his writing frequently on his Substack, Rhyme n’ Metre. You can read more of his work at thomasmckendry.substack.com
Photography by Ekrulila