Today is the Day of Rest

Today is the Day of Rest

Today is the Day of Rest

Joseph Schafer

“Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!”
Quiet as a mouse among the tall grass, the voice.

The lion through the fold steps languidly as fire,
And curls him down to sleep as though he were a bird
Within a fragrant nest of cinnamon. The sun
Descends into the west, a weeping golden pearl,
An egg wherefrom the laughing day renewed shall hatch;
The daughters of the spring unloose each flowered tress,
And circle round the egg, the tomb of mystery.

“Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!”

More loudly now, the voice.

Joseph Schafer
Poet & Student

Joseph maintains a regular publication of short poems and essays on Substack; he is an undergraduate student at Hellenic College Holy Cross, and hosts the occasional interview on his podcast, Golgonooza. You can find more of his work on YouTube and at

Photography by Eberhard Grossgasteiger