proseuchomai: a working definition

proseuchomai: a working definition

proseuchomai: a working definition

Nadine Ellsworth-Moran

Strongs 4336: (proseuchomai from pros =
toward, facing, before [emphasizing the
direct approach of the one who prays in
seeking God’s face] + euchomai =
originally to speak out, utter aloud…to pray
or to vow

I have a handful of mewling words to offer feral
prayers that bite and claw me
my hands crosshatched
with scars I am tired of bleeding
I can’t even hold them give
them affection much less tame they run
from me down alleyways
and shimmy beneath fences only a few remain
though my grip is slipping perhaps
if You name them
they will stay

Nadine Ellsworth-Moran
Pastor & Poet

Photography by Parsa Mahmoudi