Pantokrator in Summer

Pantokrator in Summer

Pantokrator in Summer

Noah M. Fischbach

was the God I knew,
not some misshapen semblance
of power and fire

but the chlorine interrupted–
melancholy voices
emanating over
cracks in fingers;
sunburn lingers
until evening breezes flew
across heaven’s underbelly.

We broke the same bread
within sanctuaries smelling
of sand-worn footsteps, our feet wet with
streaming from the river
I once thought lay awaiting
somewhere above the evening sky.

Mother Hen
became an infinitely
more precise

Noah M. Fischbach
Poet & Writer

Noah is a graduating senior triple-majoring in English at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio. His work has been featured in ReCapThe Waiting RoomThe Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle, and other journals. He is an ardent Star Trek fan and enjoys spending time with close friends.

Photography by Kei Scampa