Ostia Lido, Rome

Ostia Lido, Rome

Ostia Lido, Rome

Ryan Service

Young love sits no differently to old love on this beach.
Itโ€™s only food and kissing and in no particular order.
Other bodies glare into the sun, which seems to roll
onto its side as I sink into a shadowy outline, ghosting
myself. A young guy digs the parasol in deep as children
dance across shifting sand with burning feet. The same sun
sits punishingly on the shoulders of dreamers out on a boat,
relieved temporarily as the sea licks their elbows. Ostia.
Ostium. A narrow way in, a capacious O, swallowing the
Tiber whole. Boats land on screens if not on land, with foil
flashes, shoes, phones, and sometimes faces. And whatโ€™s
leisure for some is the source of their hope, even as it splinters.

Ostia: a neighbourhood near to the ancient Roman port
Ostium: in its pluralised form the noun is used to describe a doorway or opening

Ryan Service
Priest & Poet

Ryan is a full-time priest and sometime poet based in the Midlands (UK). His work has been published in Theology, The Sociological Review and other journals. He received a prize for his entry in the Jack Clemo poetry competition and is a writer for the Italian cultural site Settimana News. Before training to be a priest he read English at the University of Warwick and taught in a secondary school.

Photography by Jacob Morch