


Nicole Hunka

Rome swirled with sweating bodies bumping
In frantic cursive, pointing--
All searching and none in the right spots. 
Eyes half-closed, I am pressed against my will.

The sky signals for us to be happy,
The markets-- things of our dreams.

I stumble and grasp at fabric to brace my fall.
Someone says my name, and I feel the cursive clear
like the sky giving way after a day of heavy rain subsides.

Nicole Hunka
Therapist & Artist

Nicole is a mental health therapist in Denver, Colorado. She earned her B.A. in English Literature and Studio Art from Wheaton College (IL), and her M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Denver Seminary. In addition to being a therapist, she is a poet, painter, and writer.

Photography by Simone Guereni