Ebed Melech

Ebed Melech

Ebed Melech

Lynne Westerhof

prophetic pessimist,

brought a bearish report
to the CEO
who threw him off the corporate ladder,

to languish indefinitely in the
Performance Improvement Track.

But Ebed Melech,
Ethiopian eunuch,
and volun-told member of the diversity committee,

with sixty hands of God

lifted Jeremiah out of the PIT
and promoted him

to the mailroom.

There was little to deliver,
Ebed Melech

left a letter
about his new job.

Lynne Westerhof
Lawyer & Poet

Lynne lives in downtown Toronto, where she practices charity and not-for-profit law. Her poetry has appeared in Imprint Magazine. This poem is her portrait of a character who appears in Jeremiah 38.

Photography by Ryoji Iwata