Airport Interrogations

Airport Interrogations

Airport Interrogations

Joseph Jekel

O Being both far distant and most near, [...]
grant in this obscurity a little light.
—Scott Cairns, “Idiot Psalm 12”

O Bearer of Baggage, O Claimer of Life,
will you let me come as I am,
with carrion in my carry-on?

Why is so little plain to me,
so little clear? And yet, why is
it all so plain to me, so bare?

Belovéd Breacher, will you tell
me why You dove nosedown, so like
a kamikaze, even like
our own deliberate Icarus?

Why is it that I hanker for you
to hover here and dream of you
gone, O Holy Nearness, gone?

O my Unanswering Answer, have
these questions been correctly framed,
O Lord of allegéd light? And what
about answers to any of them,
O resurrected God of flight?

Joseph Jekel
Teacher & Poet

Joey is a classical educator in Texas, and he has published poetry, articles, and reviews with Modern Reformation, The Mockingbird, Christianity & Literature, Themelios (The Gospel Coalition), and Christianity Today (forthcoming). He is also working on his M.A. in Liberal Arts at St. John's College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

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