Above the Dusty Ruins

Above the Dusty Ruins

Above the Dusty Ruins

K.L. Barron

Roman Forum, Piazza Santa Maria, Nova 53, Rome Italy


you recognize
your inner life.
Trees rising from
your lungs,
the sky breathing blue,
clouds filtering the sun,
halos of almost color
so you can look up

Karen Barron
Poet & Writer

K.L. Barron is a writer of place: poetry and prose. Her award-winning fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction have been published in New Letters, The Bennington Review, terrain.org, ChickenBones (Library of Congress), among others, and in several anthologies. Her debut novel Thirst was recently published by Sea Crow Press. She lives and writes in the Flint Hills of Kansas and is the mother of photographer Shawnee Barron. You can read more of her work at https://www.thirstklbarron.com and view more collaborative ekphrastic poems/photos at https://www.ekphrastic.net .

Photography by Shawnee Barron

Shawnee has loved photography since she developed her first photograph in the darkroom at the age of 7. Not wanting to ever lose the love for the art, she completely stepped away from her business of portrait photography. She lives and works in NW Arkansas and is the daughter of writer K.L. Barron. You can view more of Shawnee’s photography on Instagram: @shawneebarron. This photo is looking up from the Roman Coliseum and at our relationship with nature, what we consider the art of God.