From Bethany
From Bethany
Laura Howard
The jar was kept high, how the disciples liked it,
to keep from breaking—despite the Word—
before Mary from Bethany came to town.
The jar cried when she smashed it,
liquid smell of hundreds of days flooding
the dirt floor and everyone’s nostrils.
Some fled, the stench too strong for breathing,
but for those who stayed, the scream
sounded the Potter breaking.
Watching, she spills tears like perfume.
The smell keeps her awake
until the third day, and the devil,
quiet now, gets behind she
who knew this was coming
Laura Howard
Writer & Theologian
Having earned her M.Div. from the University of Chicago and her B.A. in Philosophy and Biblical & Theological Studies from Wheaton College (IL), Laura continues to pursue avenues of learning and writing in Chicagoland. She has been published in Christianity Today and multiple Wheaton College (IL) publications. You can find her portfolio of writing, teaching, and artwork at
Photography by Nui Malama