


Daniel Patrick Sheehan

Ghost of my eyesight, vitreous spook
Traversing the globe, casting your shadow
Whenever I turn, wherever I look –
A mist adrift above a hollow
In the center of a winter wood
That is not quite dark, nor ever light;
A pregnant crescent, a monkish hood,
A snowy owl ever taking flight.
You even intrude on prayer’s deliberate
Night, my elegant hour of repose,
When petitions honed by candlelight
Turn to a welter of distracted prose,
And I, for all my looking, cannot see
The table that the Lord has laid for me.

Daniel Patrick Sheehan

Daniel is a journalist in eastern Pennsylvania. His poems have appeared in First Things, Dappled Things, St. Austin Review, The North American Anglican and other journals.

Photography by Vadim Sadovski