Everyman's Tune

Everyman's Tune
Charissa Sylvia
The way the Wednesday moon shone -
a silver sliver slipping slow, high
from heaven’s pocket,
making a silhouette, a smoky glow,
it’s free for the taking, you know,
all this mad, raw delight, like cold, orange slices of bursting life,
ripe, with flavor and time,
the way the air of peasants and kings sings the same notes of lime and coriander,
a simmered curry, stirred tender,
an everyman’s tune,
a song that stirs courage to be
unmade, unafraid, unswayed —
that stirs faith to plant tulips in winter,
to give away gold, to choose less,
to call it all by its given name; good,
this place where souls can be born and reborn
under green canopies that rise up, resolute, to bless.
Charissa Sylvia
Charissa is a poet in all the corners of the day that time allows. She is the creator & host of Twenty Word Tuesday, a short form writing challenge on social media, and has also been published on Calla Press. She lives with her husband, cats and kids in Pennsylvania.
Photography by Benjamin Farren