Ekstasis MagazineComment


Ekstasis MagazineComment


Ryan Hall

Open the gates to the breach and the banners
Raze the walls to the victorious Son
Drop your swords and live
Drop your swords for Life to give!
Hold the hands to succor you
Scarred with the nails the world drove
That you drove, cursing your fist
(And so did I, lest cursing my lips)
Bow the knee to the Glorious King
An infusion of blood gives birth to the undying
Children of the Prince of Peace
Conqueror of Chaos and Vanquisher of wars!
Blood now to be unshed unto the ages!
Harrowed hawks struck blind at the Dove's ascendancy
Young lions to swallow shattered teeth
In fear of the Lamb
Languishing to evil, undaring to devour
And the asp would suck its own teeth
Than open its mouth, a new lie to bespeak
O Glorious Day, the breach and the banners!
O victorious day when all who shall see
O Mountain of mountains
And the One who made light
And Being Light Himself
Crowned it with glory and stripped it from Night.

Ryan Hall
Poet and Playwright

Ryan is a Born-Again Christian poet from Fredericksburg, VA. He has written two plays, A Love Untold and Pompey the Great, as well as numerous unpublished poems, and a previously published sonnet for The Southern Shakespeare Festival. He gives all the glory to God for his work, knowing all blessings and gifts come from Him. Ryan can be reached at: movablenu@yahoo.com

Photography by Matheus Viana