Before Descending

Before Descending
Scott Schuleit
into warm, lush oblivion of sleep,
rain on roof sprinkled sound over me,
a smattering of faint applause,
gentle drumming.
This is the season when storms come,
rumbling in gray and black, bold,
rebellious, surging forth, unrestrained
in their outpouring.
But not this one; though still wild
it wasn’t proud, dangerous or fierce,
a shy-eyed creature, furtive, elusive,
almost fearful to disturb.
Understanding the complete absence of rain
would disappoint, it sought to please
with occasional patterings
of its timid, little feet.
It was enough, motions making soft music,
plucking of strings lulling me to sleep,
caressing me down
into kingdom of dream.
Scott Schuleit
Pastor & Poet
Scott is the Associate Pastor at North Palm Baptist Church. His poems have appeared in several publications, including The Penwood Review, Christianity & Literature, and Critique. He is the author of one book entitled: A Pernicious Correspondence: Letters from a Devil (Prevail Press).
Photography by Beyza Kaplan