Artifacts of Suburbia

Artifacts of Suburbia

Artifacts of Suburbia

Lily Journey

we avoid the kinks in hoses 
with sprinklers on timers.

we mow our lawns in straight lines
 on Tuesday
and watch our microwave dinners 
spin around 
and around. 

we yell at our TVs on Sunday
and watch mold grow on backyard hot tub covers.

stop sign — scroll — go 
lookup, traffic between a song on que.

junk mail and old wine corks
littering the drawers we never open.

books sitting politely on the shelf,
like a toddler’s discarded toys.

Lily Journey
Poet & Humanitarian 

Lily is a writer, thinker, friend, and general lover of ordinary moments. She recently graduated with a BS in Journalism and currently works with NGO's. The majority of her creations seek to expose the sacred intersections of the mundane and the eternal. When not reading or writing, Lily splits her time exploring the mountains of Appalachia and surfing on the west coast. She’s been published in several digital & print magazines, and shares on 

Photography by Volkan Vardar