A Theologian’s Dilemma

A Theologian’s Dilemma

A Theologian’s Dilemma

Andrew Menkis

How do you empty a light of its light? 
How does the clockmaker enter the caliber? 
How does the immeasurable become finite?  
How does the author become a character? 
Why would the morning surrender to night?
Why would a great king become a pauper?
Why would the all-seeing limit his sight?
Why would he thirst, who is living water?

I set my mind to comprehend these things, 
to wrap them up in a tidy package, 
propositions placed in concentric rings—
but how reality outstrips language.
Questions come crashing as waves on the shore, 
but better than knowing, is to adore.

Andrew Menkis
Teacher & Poet 

Andrew is a Theology & Rhetoric teacher with a passion for helping students to see and experience the truth, beauty, and goodness of God and his creation.  Andrew's poetry has been published in Modern Reformation.

Photography by Kazuend