The Tao of Christ
The Tao of Christ
Melanie Weldon-Soiset
“The greatest good is like water: it benefits all life without being noticed. It flows even to the lowliest places that others disdain, and so it is like the Tao.”
–Laozi, Tao Te Ching chapter 8
I am -- water.
At least 60%, experts say.
I deflate under pressure--
the ultimate decay.
Jesus was water, too.
60%, like me.
He yielded like liquid--
his life lost on a tree.
Christ’s dead corpse
pierced, and water spilled
like his disciples’ desires--
dreams unfulfilled.
Sinking to hell’s depths, then
skyward rising, water body
rebreathed and redeemed--
morning dew’s victory.
Melanie Weldon-Soiset
Poet & Survivor
Melanie has poetry published or forthcoming in Geez, Tipton Poetry Journal, Exhale, Better Than Starbucks, Bearings Online, Earth & Altar, and Amethyst Review. A New York Encounter poetry contest finalist, Melanie is a former pastor for foreigners in Shanghai. Feel free to sign up for her free poetry and prayer newsletter at
Photography by Samara Doole