Sunday Afternoon

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday Afternoon

Libby Kurz

It’s a slow wound
on a slow day.

It’s a dull pencil
in a hard pew.

It’s a stale wafer
in a metal goblet.

God, I want
so much more

in my mouth.
It’s the frozen

moment I come
home from church

and don’t know
what to do with myself.

Today I want to crawl
back in the tomb

with Jesus, deep inside
that cold rock.

I’d lie next to His body
wrapped in stains.

I’d talk to Him like
a patient in a coma.

Libby Kurz
Poet & Nurse

Libby is a poet, writer, registered nurse, and military veteran. She holds a BS in Nursing from UNC-Charlotte and an MFA in Creative Writing from National University. Her work has appeared in Ruminate, Relief Journal, Driftwood Press, and Literary Mama, among others, and in 2019, Finishing Line Press published her poetry chapbook, The Heart Room. She teaches creative writing workshops for The Muse Writers Center, a literary non-profit based in Norfolk, VA. After a decade of moving cross-country with the military, she now resides in Virginia Beach with her husband, three children, and Swiss Mountain Dog.

Photography by Daniel Mingook Kim