
Tyler Justin Smothers
It’s on rainy spring days in the city
That I think I’m in the middle of the world.
As I exit from southbound 235
Onto northwest 23rd street I remember
That a bad man can’t stand to be alone.
Aristotle said that, although I’m not sure
That’s bad news because the clouds
Form a passionless roof, oblique
Waves of rain descend heavy on my car.
I want to know I won’t always
Be afraid of being alone like this.
Maybe he’s wrong. I guess I’m not keen
On believing any guy likes himself
When he looks too long in the mirror.
I want to know how to win by losing.
Where I can drive and hear heaven
And go up to it. I guess what I want
Is to know there’s another bad man
Desperate for good, sitting at this
Intersection waiting for the light to turn.
Tyler Justin Smothers
Poet & Teacher
Tyler has been published in The Mid/South Anthology, a publication of Belle Pointe Press. He teaches writing & Medieval history and literature to seventh graders at a classical Christian school in Oklahoma City.
Photography by Andrea Ferrario