


LaVerne B. Adams

Sojourner, you too
will be gathered in
to the Commonwealth of God.

You will rise
from that damp pavement
where you have been sleeping
for generations.

Not charity, but justice
will be your portion,
and the blood of Jesus Christ
will be your passport
as you walk into the light
of the City where there is no darkness.

The milk of the Nations
will satisfy your hunger,
and you will be washed
in the waters of Justice.

LaVerne B. Adams
Poet & Playwright

LaVerne has published poetry in various Canadian literary magazines. Her latest work appears in Regent World, Regent College, University of British Columbia. Her volume of poetry, Birds Singing, Early and Late, was published by the University of the Fraser Valley. Her stage play, Medicine, was produced several times in British Columbia and toured briefly in the province. After a teaching career of almost 50 years, she currently enjoys teaching English to refugees and new Canadians.

Photography by Arvin Dale