Exodus 13
Exodus 13
Jody Collins
We are not fond of the chalky
smudge, non-committal sky
that resists the tell of clarity.
We beseech the Heavens
for blue--cobalt perhaps or
robins-egg, a declarative
palette to illumine our
days, secure divine assurance
that our plans will not be foiled.
We long for clear light--glass
to mirror sun’s presence,
reflect on our daily mysteries,
the uncertainty.
But we cannot dwell forever
in light. Brilliance can blind;
we must have shadow seasons
of in-between, the not-yet
of No Clear Answers, shuttered
trust of I am with you.
The sky speaks this alone, Find my
pillar of fire at night, the greeting
of each new day in a cloud.
Half in terror, half in wonder,
we follow, as questions lead the way.
Jody Collins
Writer & Consultant
Jody is the author of “Hearts on Pilgrimage-Poems & Prayers." Her poetry & essays have been published in D.S. Martin’s Ephesians Project, She Loves Mag, (in)courage and many others. Her other writing can be found at jodyleecollins.com.
Photography by Daoudi Aissa