Autistic Perception

Autistic Perception
Noah M. Fischbach
“We forfeit three-quarters of ourselves to be like other people.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer
I pronounce the cerebral, aflush with the divine;
this temple, mirror of living color.
To say otherwise would be a sin implied.
My existence exists for truly none other.
Yet my brain struggles to keep up this ruse,
my body failing to live as they choose;
I am the modern Frankenstein, left stith.
They demand normalcy and I have none to give,
so my eyes shift to gaze inward, to how I live
and praise the imperfect brain I am blessed with.
I pronounce the neurodivergent son;
egg cracked upon God’s skillet;
mind as even as the peaks of the Himalayas.
I am the Logic- the straight and narrow path wills it;
that is how I was made, to see with these eyes.
But I, for another’s world, can never fully rationalize
their sense of seeing, sense of being.
For I am made a dimension separated,
a twilight zone with a million eyes and fingers fast as razor blades,
my mind racing endlessly on the bridle
to get to the destination, the land of the dreaming.
Noah M. Fischbach
Poet and Writer
Noah is a third-year student double-majoring in English at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio. He has been published in Tomorrow and Tomorrow and ReCap.
Photography by Jonas Jaeken