Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression

Amy Bornman

seven seals locking seven scrolls.
and seven angels I wrestle
with seventy times seven eyes.

Iā€™m alone on the
isle of patmos.

he wakes seven times
each night and I dream
seven beasts between.

seven plagues making him
scream, tears fill seven bowls.

where have the singers gone?
bring back the seven trumpets.

seven days in every week
and each one everlasting.

when the seventh trumpet
sounds will I be thrown
back home?

my baby is a shining thing
and I am underneath.

Amy Bornman
Poet & Artist

Amy is the author of There is a Future (Paraclete Press Poetry, 2020). She studied theater and writing at Wheaton College. You can find more from Amy at

Photography by Lina Verovaya