Now the Whole Neighbourhood is at Your Door

Now the Whole Neighbourhood is at Your Door

Now the Whole Neighbourhood is at Your Door

Steve Bell

Oy vey! Here we go
We’re so hungry
A bit worn out
here at Levi’s house hoping

for some peace and quiet
and a bite to eat, but no
someone saw us and then

live-streamed a video
and now the whole world
can see His face.

the whole neighborhood
is at the door, then inside the room
standing shoulder to shoulder as we
the Twelve look at our plates, rest
our forks, heads down in disappointment.
while our beloved Master

smiles at the crowd despite
His fatigue, His hunger, His humanity
yes humanity, not hidden from us

Though we
His closest friends
still remain clueless
as to His Divinity.

His own family stands outside
waiting, yelling,
having believed the fake news.
“He is crazy I tell you!”
we, the Twelve sit and stare at Him.
we can feel a sermon coming.

He looks at the crowd
Ready to impart truth.
Our hungry, omniscient Master
Opens His lips to speak.
Dozens of phones raised, cameras on
pointed at Him--

“Let me begin
with a story...”

Steve Bell

Photography by Albert Salim