Dice Will Land as They Will

Dice Will Land as They Will
Mischa Willett
What needs is new
Not thin thirst slaked
But longs for axis
Is the mark of changed course
Of a reach rather for the knuckle
When leaf stems, flower forths,
The instead, the again, that rounds
And resuscitates the world where You as was and you as now never
The twain shall—well, you know:
The over it, the becoming, branching, stasis as enemy
Centric tantra, a tantrum
Tightening, the hard heart
Has harder enemies still to ponder
Even as panting Daphne knew
We somehow and eventually too, bloom.
Mischa Willett
Poet & Scholar
Mischa is the author of The Elegy Beta & Phases and published in First Things & Relief Journal
Photography by L’oeil d’Eos
Ekstasis Magazine