Light's Waves

Light's Waves

Light’s Waves

Peter Venable

Twenty centuries ago—
A quake quivered Judean soil
and nova energy rolled a boulder aside.
Light collided with death’s black hole

and pneuma waves rippled outward.
He calmed followers, then passed
through their door easier than
gravity waves and photon beams
cross spacetime curves.

For weeks He strolled, taught, blessed, laughed, ate
until He rose—a phoenix, arms outstretched
and faded through smoky Galilean skies.

Evermore, Light’s pneuma waves
swell and crest, warm as sunrays

into all who want to see
through dark energy, dark matter
dark bodies, and dark minds.

Lux Perpetua

Peter Venable
Poet & Author

Peter has written poetry over fifty years. He has appeared in The Merton Seasonal, The Penwood Review, Christianity Today, etc. His Jesus Through A Poet's Lens is an eBook available at

Photography by Patrick Hendry