The Curtal Candlelight at Tenebrae

The Curtal Candlelight at Tenebrae
Marly Youmans
Slowly, one by one, the lights go out
Till there’s more gloom than clarity of flame;
Surviving candles tremble in the dark.
Uncanny shadows waver, mill about
As the light dies, dropping its ancient claim
Against the night to leave me starless, stark,
An unaccommodated traveler
Of parched and sterile lands, without an aim
Or meaning’s rosy map, without a spark
To set against the light’s unraveler…
Dark, dark.
Marly Youmans
Poet & Novelist
Marly’s most recent book of poetry is The Book of the Red King (Montreal: Phoenicia Publishing, 2019.) Her brand new novel is Charis in the World of Wonders (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2020.) Find her on Twitter, Facebook, or
Photography by Daniele Colucci
Ekstasis Magazine