


Caroline Liberatore

Life has always been a journey home, in
search of its comfort in this magnificent
world. I see it in all things and yet in
nothing have I found it. Familiarity is not
always the right key. Home goes deep into
your soul for rightness.

The journey is riddled with glimpses,
signposts that call This way! Lying under
the stars, dreaming of Zion, I heard
constellations singing Come home,
daughter. Sitting on the shore of the sea,
with a gaping crater in my chest, the
brilliance of the horizon in the morning
light set my eyes ablaze. I heard trumpets
harmonizing with the waves, some distant
land of jubilee.

Home: an ocean away, a neighboring
galaxy, a land undiscovered. It is all of these
and none of them. I’ve been told to wait
for streets of gold, but I imagine heaven's
roads are like these



cascading over


waltzing with


each wave raptured rippling


under lucent sky

d u s t e d with

c o n s t e l l a t i o n s

dancing in color

Caroline Liberatore
Poet & Library Worker

Caroline has also been published in Ashbelt Journal. Find more of her work on Instagram (@carolinemlib) and at carolinelib.wordpress.com.

Photography by Christopher Luzman